Autumn ushers in a new body of work from RA YUKAWA and it goes by the name, Ash Marrying Mud (AMM)—meaning, the holy matrimony of two opposing elements mirroring one another as halves of one soul or entity.
Ash Marrying Mud is an exhibition of music, visuals, experiences, and souvenirs, illustrating the morbidly twisted, rottenly romantic, and imaginatively intense thoughts and emotions expressed within the storyline of my high fantasy, dark romanticism autofictional memoir, The Alkhemey Of Temptation (TAOT or XXXALKHEMEY). If you’re reading this, you’re there, in the sacrosanct realm of TAOT. It’s nice to have you.
So, AMM continues painting the picture of TAOT in the same abstract manner as the first illustrative installation, TAOT I: the void on empty avenue and the fields of heart space (side A/the moon/shadow/etc., and side B/the sun/persona/etc.). Although TAOT II is also about a duality of sorts, its “two-disc” nature doesn’t reflect that in the way that TAOT I’s does. Rather, the vesica piscis is seen in the songwriting and creative structure of the tracks themselves, with continuity of overall energy, from one EP to the other. See every aspect of it for yourself.
I invite you…
The Ash Marrying Mud Experience (TAMME): Homebody Tour across the world, will unbosom the intricacies of Ash Marrying Mud through unforgettable, intimate, one-of-one performances of music from the AMM installation, accompanied by depth-filled discussion.
AMM is a statement album, just as much as it's an experiment of sound, and TAMME will be no different - a statement event, with a mixture of experimentation in sonics, socialising, and somatics.
I end this by directing you to TAOT II: AMM playlists on YouTube and Spotify (I’ll put the Apple playlist back up shortly—check back), and some captures of my soul from a photoshoot and visual that I did for AMM and TAMME:

More footage in the paid subscribers / Elite Alkhemists private chat.
Some may ask, “Why are you naked? What does that have to do with the project?” To that, I say, “Come nude, come undone. Become you, become one." Ash Marrying Mud. An apocalyptic love of self, of the mirror of self—shadow and sun-seared.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on all of this.